Project Shakespeare

Fireworks has launched Project Shakespeare to give writers the opportunity to improve their writing skills! Writers will get to work with our team who will help take their writing to the next level. Students will research and then write about various topics related to good financial habits and environmental conservation. Click the button below to sign up for the program or scroll down to see the work our students have done so far through this program.
February 2022
Ethanol: The Fuel of the Future

Written by: Suryansh Charai
Peter Hansen Elementary School
Imagine you are in the world 50 (or so) years from now and the effects of pollution you would
experience. How will you feel? As you look around at the darkened sky, contaminated air,
and trash-choked waters, will you experience anger, disgust, violation? One of the
contributors of pollution is the fuel we use in our cars. Presently, the average car emits 4.6
metric tons of carbon dioxide each year (“Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical
Passenger Vehicle | US EPA”).
October 2021​
The Endangered Few

Written by: Kinnera P.
Saratoga High School
Currently, there are 41,415 species on the IUCN Red list of endangered animals. The beautiful biodiversity of the world has been crumbling under human hands. To protect the delicate ecosystems of the earth, we must be knowledgeable of the threats we pose and activately make the necessary changes. Correcting our past errors that caused the disappearance of animals such as the Javan tiger and the Caribbean monk seal can help save species such as the loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles that are slipping away.
July 2021​
Planning the Financial Future with Gen Z.

Written by: Rani I.
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Generation Z or “Gen Z” refers to the people born from 1995 to 2012. If you were born between those years, congratulations! You have been born to more technology and conveniences than any generation in world history and can claim the privilege of experiencing the “digital era”. Society is adapting with incredible progress and advancements in many spheres of life, including finances.Generation Z has easy access to financial institutions. Luckily, this generation grew up with computers and the internet, making it easy to become acquainted with...
June 2021​
What is better?
Composting or Fertilizing?

Written by: Indeever M.
BASIS Independent Silicon Valley
According to RTS (a company which documents waste), 1.4 billion tons of food are wasted across the globe every year, amounting to a $218 billion financial loss. The average family of four throws out $1,600 worth of produce annually. Simultaneously, if you plan on fertilizing your lawn or garden, you can expect to pay an average of $219 per round of nutrients, according to HomeAdvisor. How are food waste and fertilizer use connected? They are connected through composting! Composting food waste is a superior alternative to fertilizer usage because it takes advantage...
December 2021
From Seed to Sprout: Growing Your Own Food

Written by: Virinchi M.
Challenger School
Have you ever wondered why almost all our food comes from farms far away? Have you ever questioned what happens to your fruits and veggies before they get to you? Would you like to have an abundance of chemical-free produce that you cared for from seed to sprout to salad?
You should consider growing your own vegetables and fruits because money won’t be wasted, so you know exactly what is going into your food, because transportation harms the environment, and because gardening is relaxing and everyone in your family can do it.
September 2021​
Why CO2 Is Bad For the Environment

Written by: Krivi M.
Challenger School
CO2 is harmful for the environment, but we have things like photosynthesis that can help us clear it all up. CO2 is carbon dioxide. C02 is produced by the burning of fossil fuels. CO2 was first introduced in the United States with the start of the Industrial Revolution. We learned that when we burned fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas that we produced energy. We used the energy to power our machines like cars. CO2 is bad for the environment because it can cause climate change, and it leads to various health effects on humans and animals.
June 2021​
Climate Change:
A Global Catastrophe

Written by: Jashndeep S.
Norwood Creek Elementary
Climate change is a topic that is being discussed around the whole world. From activists to politicians to journalists, we hear the term “climate change” discussed quite a bit, but what does it actually mean? Today, I am going to define climate change, point out some causes and examples, and explain what you can do to help stop this global problem. To start out with, it may be helpful to define the term “climate change”. According to Google, climate change is “a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards...
April 2021​
Online Shopping: Nightmare for the Earth

Written by: Rani I.
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Shopping is an extremely popular activity. Since COVID-19 hit the world, online shopping activity has increased significantly. Because the implementation of “work from home” or “stay at home” orders made people reluctant to go shopping in person to avoid contracting the virus, the drastic economic downturn forced several companies to close their stores and focus on selling online to minimize expenses. The COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t prevent people from shopping. Due to advances in technology and information, shopping can be done at home 24 hours a day, seven days a week. How so?
November 2021​
Bottled Water vs. Tap Water

Written by: Virinchi M.
Challenger School
Have you ever wondered which is better: tap water or bottled water? Tap water is readily available at your sink, while more expensive bottled water is marketed as superior and healthy. Today, we are going to evaluate the differences between the two types of water and conclude which is better for human health and the environment.
Bottled water definitely has its strengths. The first benefit of bottled water is its purification. Tap water is from reservoirs, where chlorine is added to kill bacteria.
August 2021​
Extreme Weather Across the Globe

Written by: Virinchi M.
Challenger School
Flip on the news and you will probably see terrifying pictures of raging wildfires, people and crops suffering from drought, and warnings about heat stroke. Have you ever wondered what causes these problems? Today, we’re going to be talking about three extreme weather difficulties and their effects on our world.
Human beings are the number one cause of the wildfires. Wildfires are caused by lack of water. Water is needed to put out wildfires, and without it, wildfires are hard to control.
June 2021​
Understanding the “Buzz Word” of Cryptocurrency

Written by: Shahreyar A.
Al Waha International
Take out your wallet and pull out a dollar. Initially, your brain concludes that it is a valuable piece of paper, but if you take a deep dive into the currency, you find a connection between all the factors that make that piece of paper valuable (such as the balance of trade, military coercion and threats of force, etc).
There are several different types of money: fiat money, commodity money, representative money, fiduciary money, commercial bank money, and the latest addition known as cryptocurrency/digital money.1
May 2021​
Candy or Fruit:
What's Better?

Written by: Jashndeep S.
Norwood Creek Elementary​
We’ve heard our teachers and parents say it a thousand times. We’ve seen studies with colorful graphs and charts. We’ve read the science books and health magazines. Unfortunately for those of us with a sweet tooth, they all say the same thing: fruit is far healthier for you than junk food. But why is this? Furthermore, why should you care? Today, we are going to explain the price and calorie differences between natural and processed treats in addition to some practical steps you can take toward healthier snacking.
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